
Electrical installations
Over 300 electrical systems for civil structures such as residential complexes, villas and apartments, more than 400 realizations for industrial warehouses, military buildings in Italy and in Europe, civil and military hospitals

Telecommunication system
Over 400 istallation, cabling and termination of fiber optic cables from external and internal, designed and built in military, industrial and hospitals in italy, portugal and germany. Wi-fy system in ciovil and military installations.

Access control system
Security systems with cameras in military buildings, such as avinao ab new passenger terminal, carabinieri station in pordenone, trieste and udine, banking institutions and supply areas.

Video surveillance systems
Security systems with cameras in military buildings, such as Aviano AB new passenger terminal, Pordenone Trieste and Udine carabinieri barracks, banking institutions and refueling areas.

Fire detection
Over 100 installations of detection systems and fire alarms in usafe and army europe buildings, as well ass in industrial facilities.

Energy saving
Over 300 energy saving solutions designed and built between photovoltaic systems and intelligent lighting systems for hotels, residential buoldings and industrial facilities.


300 +
Residential structures
130 +
Industrial structures
250 +
Military structures
Shopping centers
Banks and services

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